JOVRNALISM and Words Uncaged Partner for Community Collaborative Journalism Project

Fall 2021 students enrolled in the JOVRNALISM production course at USC Annenberg worked in collaboration with the re-entry/formerly incarcerated community through a partnership with Words Uncaged.

The students and community participants received hands-on training of 360/VR storytelling, using cameras donated by Insta360 and others.

Throughout the semester the students worked alongside their partners to produce the story defined by the community.

From learning about your new relationship with your mother or opening a new tattoo shop to fighting to get your family out of prison, the pieces are an intimate and immersive look into the lives of those who coping with life after being incarcerated or fighting to get a loved one out.

It is the latest installment of the award-winning series, Who We Are.

Students and community participants working on their collaborative story together.

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